starring Tilly McReese as UltraGirl
and Tony Dinoz as The Marauder
written by SHBinder
produced by Heroine Universe
original release date: 1/15/2022
ULTRAGIRL (played by Tilly McReese) has learned of a crime scene in progress, as she lands at the location. Confidently walking inside, she finds a room with items strewn about, indicating a struggle and possibly criminal theft nearby. She suspects a super villain’s involvement but is unsure whom.
She’s confronted by The Marauder (played by Tony Dinoz) – they exchange words and lock up, but UltraGirl is far too strong for him, as she grasps the Marauder by the throat, lifting him off the ground. He struggles and begs to be let go.
Letting him down, the fight begins! UltraGirl and Marauder exchange belly and face punches and knees. UltraGirl is able to get Marauder in a full nelson, before she’s thrown to the couch and given a crotch punch! Back up, they exchange punches and bear hugs, before Marauder begins to turn up the tempo on the offense, taking over. He drags UltraGirl around the room by her hair, dragging her along the floor. He throws her to the couch, pinning her down and delivering a half-dozen vicious face punches, weakening UltraGirl .She’s given a TORTURE RACK over his shoulders, before UltraGirl is left on the floor in pain. Marauder puts her out of her misery by using his bare hands around her throat!
With UltraGirl helplessly out, she’s CRADLE CARRIED away to his special warehouse. Here, UltraGirl has her boots removed and her perfect nylon feet looked over. Her power belt is removed … a gift to the Collector perhaps? UltraGirl is bound with zip ties, destined for the crate to be shipped away to a fate unknown.