UltraGirlscene from Deus Ex Machina starring Rachel Adams as UltraGirl

Top 10 UltraGirl videos of 2024

#2: UltraGirl: Deus Ex Machina
starring Rachel Adams as UltraGirl
and Cinched & Secured as SH Binder
written by SH Binder based on a story by Grant Morrison
released on 8/13/2024

purchase here:
from Cinched & Secured’s store: https://cinchedandsecured.com/x-new/new-set.php?setid=138588
from Clips4Sale: https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/109778/29537823/ultra-girl-and-the-deus-ex-machina-problem-mp4-format

Animal Man created by Dave Wood and Carmine Infantino
UltraGirl created by SH Binder

synopsis: UltraGirl (Rachel Adams) is facing certain doom when she is whisked away suddenly to meet her maker … SH Binder.

fun facts: This custom video is an homage to DC Comics’ Animal Man issue #26 also entitled “Deus Ex Machina,” cover date August 1990, written by Grant Morrison with art by Chaz Truog (pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Tatjana Wood (colors), John Constanza (lettering). Cover artist was Brian Bolland.

This was Grant Morrison’s final issue of his Animal Man run. In it, Animal Man meets Morrison, his writer, where he learns about the reality of his existence as a comic book character and the role that Morrison had in manipulating the events of his life.

With the Ultraverse Crisis coming to an end soon, I wanted to tell a similar story featuring UltraGirl meeting me. I could explain to her what she has meant to me and the “whys” behind her adventures.

The decision on who to approach with this story was an easy one. Cinched & Secured had been there at the very beginning of Rachel Adams’ first appearance as UltraGirl, so it seemed appropriate for him to help me bookend this series. He’s also been a kind and creative collaborator over the years and he’s been especially patient with some of the more involved scripts in the UltraGirl series.

And having Rachel play UltraGirl in this “final” adventure was a no brainer.

The home of SH Binder should technically be Earth Prime. Earth Prime was the designated Earth in the DC Multiverse where our real world without superheroes exists. But, I had called my first UltraGirl (played by Constance) UltraGirl Prime from Earth Prime, so I renamed my Earth as Earth 0 (Zero).

I kept some of the main concepts from the comic in this custom video script like me typing what happens to UltraGirl, UltraGirl beating me to a pulp to show that she’s not controlled by me (only to find out that I wrote that she beat me to a pulp), and the thank you monologue as UltraGirl struggles in bondage. I also made a small reference to a spanking video by another producer as an example of UltraGirl’s adventures taking a life of their own.

I couldn’t put everyone I wanted to thank in the closing monologue … that would have taken too long. But I did include Rachel Adams, Constance, Carissa Dumond, Terra Mizu, Alba Zevon, Tilly McReese, Chrissy Marie, Abby Dandy, Ayla Aysel, Ama Rio, London Evans, Karly Salinas, Indica Jane Fetish, Whitney Morgan, ShinyBound, Cinched & Secured, and S.P. (Bound in The Midwest). I was also able to include a shout out to my friend Jon AKA HiThereCatsuit!

The final scene where UltraGirl escapes and ends up near a Christmas tree with a present underneath it was to align with a December 2024 release date. We ultimately decided to release it after FetishCon 2024. The idea to have the present include UltraGirl’s power belt in it was suggested by Cinched.

The video of the hands typing the final “THE END …?” … those were my hands.

Is this the end? My recent hospitalization causing me to miss FetishCon has me re-evaluating life and where I’m spending my time. For now, my hope is that UltraGirl lives on even if the conclusion of the Ultraverse Crisis is my last story.

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